Market InsightsLockhart is a city in Caldwell County, Texas, United States. It is the county seat of Caldwell County. According to the 2010 census the population of Lockhart was 12,698. Lockhart and Caldwell County are within the Austin-Round Rock metropolitan area.
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Neighborhoods in Lockhart
(1309) Lockhart Res - S Main-S Guadalupe(1326) Lockhart Res - Twin Island-Sunrise(1608) Lockhart Commercial North(4120) Rural Fm 2001-Schulke Rd Area(4230) Rural Fm 1322-E Of Hwy 183 Area1303 Lockhart Res -Neches-Pancho-TorresA)17A009A009 - George, JamesA009 George, James, Acres 70.125 & A020 Neill, JohA017 Lockhart, ByrdA066A066 Churchill, AndrewA163Benjamin Mcculloch Surv Abs193Bridgestone RanchesBurleson, JonathanByedByrdByrd Lockhart
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